I don’t feel Christmas

Airish Jane Cruza
3 min readDec 26, 2020

Complaints of those who think they are grown up now.

Disaster, violence, loss of a loved one, sick, alone, depress, heart broken and the threat of covid-19 pandemic. There are so many reasons for us not to feel the spirit of Christmas. But, do you really think these are the reasons?

I don’t think so.

Let’s face it! We are all guilty for complaining that we don’t feel the spirit of Christmas right in the moment we look at the price of the gifts and groceries we paid for and for the time we wasted on parties we drag ourselves to attend with when we don’t want to be there at all.

For years and years, we consumerize Christmas that our family gatherings and foods we have on our tables are meant out of respect to custom or for picture purposes only.

The moment, I said I want to grow up so I can work and get the things I want then I will be happy. Now, I got a job. Maybe not the job of my dream but at least I got some cash and buy things I want and need. How can this be that I am still not happy?

It’s because we worry for what’s left and not because we want to give and give or how we feel that makes us believe we did not feel Christmas at all.

It’s not wrong not to feel the spirit of Christmas. It actually does good. As we begin to wonder more and more in truth. What makes us not feel Christmas is our strong desire to give and give but not our all.

While we distant ourselves with one another, the God who speaks from a burning bush and in the thunders and clouds has come. As we wear our masks, he unmask himself and appeared to us in flesh. I am no different with you now, yet we remain indifferent with one another.

How many of us believes or thinks this pandemic as a lie? How many of us follow health protocols out of fear from police or the virus itself? How many of us just don’t care at all? There is much worse than the virus itself. It’s indifference.

It sounds good to resist in order to defend faith. But what about those who are scared, sick, lonely and dying? What about those who doesn’t have faith?

Regardless, if this pandemic is real or not. Regardless, if this is a great reset or not. Why bother? Leave it in the hands of God.

“Pray, hope and do not worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer.” — St. Padre Pio

The best way to give and prove our faith is to obey and obey while holding firmly in truth that God can do the impossible as we acknowledge that we are weak and vulnerable.

We have been taking life too seriously that our footsteps can no longer catch up how the world rolls in front of our eyes. Even when the pandemic started, we have been complaining not feeling Christmas or how Christmas doesn’t feel like how it used to be just because we’re grown up now. But are we really grown up now? Or did we just buried a child alive inside of us that isolation is nothing but to dig deeper and recover contentment, hope, trust and happiness in our lives. We may get older and older but that child inside of you will remain. Just let go of thinking Christmas is all about giving and giving when it’s also about receiving. It doesn’t make you less if you have nothing to give. This is the time that Jesus is burdened not with a heavy a cross on his shoulders but of gifts we refuse to receive.

The more we see that nothing in this world is enough and that no matter what we give, is not enough — that’s the spirit of Christmas.

If we keep claiming the position of Christ, the giver then we will never truly feel Christmas at all.



Airish Jane Cruza

I’m 26 🇵🇭 Roman Catholic Freelancer Hopeless Romantic Water trigger happy kind of Plantita